These days, chatting with someone online is a common occurrence. It’s a great way to meet people who live across the world but have similar interests. We can’t always go out and make friends, which is why it’s so convenient to talk to people online. Most of us never meet up with our internet friends, but some people actually do meet them in person.
We hope our internet friends are the same online as they are in person. Unfortunately, there are instances when these people are completely different in real life than on the internet. We’ve all experienced a horrible roommate here and there, but a horrible internet friend can potentially be worse. These internet users shared their horror stories about meeting their internet friends in person. These range from complete stalkers to people who are three times the age they pretended to be. Let’s just say, these stories make us want to never make friends on the internet again.

I Don’t Want To Talk About It
When we meet people online, they can pose as any personality and any persona. You can be whoever you want to be without repercussions. When you finally meet someone in person, that’s when you can’t hide who you are anymore. People see your true colors in person. This internet user shared a time they met someone in person that they’d been talking to online.

They hit it off and continued seeing each other. suddenly, after a few dates, “he suddenly vanished offline. No social media, he wasn’t answering texts or emails, nothing. I thought he’d ghosted me. After 6 months he reappears, I asked him where he’d been and he said ‘I don’t want to talk about it.'” That’s just sketchy. It’s one thing to ghost someone for a few months, but another thing entirely to ghost someone, randomly reappear, and then be secretive about it when you see them again in person.

A few weeks later, they started Googling names out of boredom and curiosity. When they Googled the guy’s name, they found a terrifying article. They said they “Googled his name and found a local news story from his area, one of those “crime and courts” things that he had been done for statutory [assault] of a minor, online grooming and had his computer and phone seized as evidence.” Imagine finding this article about someone you’d recently been intimate with? That’s terrifying. At least they never spoke to them again (via Ranker).