It’s an exciting moment when you take a perfect picture, especially if you’re someone who doesn’t typically take good pictures. But when these pictures are perfectly timed and capture some strange essence – a shadow person, a hidden detail, an animal, or an optical illusion – it’s even more cause for celebration.
These perfectly timed pictures will wow you and maybe even make you do a double-take. Some are even so surprising that they’re nearly unbelievable. These photos might inspire you to dig through your archives and discover some perfectly timed photos you might’ve previously missed at first glance.

35) In Flight Inception
It’s safe to assume that none of us have ever experienced this before. Reading a book during a flight is common, but reading a passage about the exact flight you’re on, during the flight? Unheard of. Maybe this Reddit user saw that as a sign and affirmation that they were exactly where they were supposed to be. It’s also reassuring that the passage they read mentioned the flight arrived safely. If they had read something different, like the flight crashed and no one survived, they might have had a terrible and anxiety driven rest of their flight.
“The book I was reading on the plane mentioned the flight I was reading it on.” – via oldtrader1