Being in a committed, loving relationship is something many people strive for. It gives people purpose in life. To share a life with someone gives us a sense of comfort, since you know there’s someone who will always want to spend time with you, and of course, post photos of you on social media. But, at the same time, being in a relationship can bring a lot of pain, resentment, and jealousy. If you and your partner are stellar communicators, then you can get past even the toughest fights.
On the other hand, if you and your partner are prone to constant fighting and struggle to communicate well, it might lead to infidelity. A lot of the time, the cheaters are caught, especially if they share scandalous photos on the internet. We’ve compiled a list of cheaters who were brutally called out on social media for the entire world to see. These cheaters were caught on Tinder, caught because of articles of clothing left behind, and even caught on screen at a soccer game. If you’re thinking about cheating, it’s time to reconsider your entire relationship, or you may be called out like this.

No More Playstation
When you decide to play games, you deserve games to get played on you. This ex-boyfriend cheated on his girlfriend of four years, with not one but multiple different girls, multiple different times. It seems like one of the oldest traditions in regards to revenge is destroying the person’s most prized possessions, whether that be a car, laptop, or in this case, a Playstation. Honestly, he deserves his Playstation to be submerged underwater.

It’s the least the ex-girlfriend can do since she was strung along for four years while her ex was out sleeping with different women. He played games all those years, and now, he won’t get to play any games – not on his Playstation, at least (via Traveler Dreams).