Even the calmest people lose control once in a while. It could be because of a terrifying experience or because somebody annoyed them. But everyone has freaked out after they crossed a threshold. It may be embarrassing but it also produces great stories from time to time.
So today, we’ll look at some of the most entertaining Reddit anecdotes about times normally calm people freaked out in public. Many of them dealt with phobias of insects and heights. Others came close to death, while there are plenty of pedantic pet peeves too. Check them out and enjoy.
Roach Approach
Humans often have an irrational reaction to insects and freak out when they see them. It’s strange because bugs are so small and most aren’t that dangerous, but this doesn’t make them less terrifying for some people. A cockroach caught the following netizen by surprise and caused a freakout.

“Moments ago I was at my desk when I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye,” a Redditor wrote. “Looked down to see a large cockroach about 2 feet away quickly approaching my feet.” They almost jumped through the ceiling.