Everyone has their own dirty little secrets. These quirky characteristics are what make us unique and different from one another. When people share their quirkiest, weirdest confessions, we can’t help but appreciate their vulnerability because we all have them.
So we collected the most interesting confessions on Reddit and compiled a list that’ll make you squirm, laugh, cry – or maybe even all three. These confessions involve strange fetishes, odd habits, and dirty secrets that date back to childhood. Check out the people who revealed their darkest confessions online here.

Dead Skin Picker
There are some people who bite their nails and others who wouldn’t think twice about it. Honestly, it’s a gross habit and makes your hands look bad. Others also bite the skin around their fingernails, which is also bad. But what about the skin around your toes?
One of the grossest confessions on this list involves a Reddit user who admitted, “I LOVE picking dead skin from between my toes.” Even though we appreciate the honesty, it’s disgusting to even think about. At least they can cover up their habit with sneakers or boots. No one will ever know about their dirty little secret (via Reddit).