Sometimes, good ideas just don’t come along all too easily. When we think of a good idea and someone happens to beat us to it, we usually end up kicking ourselves and drowning in regret. That’s why when we have an idea we can’t seem to let go of, it’s better to act fast. But there is also such a thing as acting too fast. These good ideas can lead to major idiotic fails that end up doing more harm than good.
So we’ve scoured the internet for horrific stories about “good” ideas that ended horribly. Whether it’s picking up stubborn hitchhikers, eating an immense amount of spicy horseradish, or making homemade ziplines, these ideas took a turn for the worst. They ended up being some of the most horrific ideas that have ever come into existence. Next time you think of a grand scheme that seems like it’ll end well, think again. There’s a lot that can go wrong with an idea that’s out of the norm.

Pee Into Space
When we’re kids, we don’t have a very accurate understanding of how the world works. That’s why being a kid is so thrilling and feels freeing. We don’t have any worries of the world that come with being an adult. This one kid, in particular, had one of those good ideas that only a youngster would think of.

Because he misunderstood how gravity works and how far away space really is, he thought he could pee into space. When he attempted this grand plan, his pee came straight back down and straight into his face. Because he’s a kid, it’s forgivable. If an adult did this, it’d be a little bit different. At least he learned quickly (via Reddit).