Many people daydream about becoming rich one day as if it is the greatest goal anyone could ever achieve. That is why so many people play the lottery and watch shows about the rich and famous. There’s the phrase, “money can’t buy happiness,” but money can solve most problems. Money indeed makes life a lot better in many ways. However, there is also a dark side to having a lot of money that most people don’t talk about.
As another saying goes, “the grass is greener on the other side.” Most of us would choose to be rich over being poor even though more money comes with more problems. At the very least, you will have to change your lifestyle. We broke down 35 ways life changes for those who acquire new wealth below.

35. Losing Direction
Some people find that when they finally reach their ultimate goal of achieving wealth and financial independence, they suddenly don’t know what to do next. After striving for a challenging goal for years or even decades, it’s natural that the next step can be difficult to figure out. Wealthy people, especially those who have worked hard for years to attain their success, report feeling lost and without a real purpose in life after achieving their financial goals. Does it make sense just to try to make more money, or is there another, better purpose in life to set your sights on?

For wealthy people who feel like they’ve lost direction, it’s important to remember why they wanted to become wealthy in the first place. Did they want the freedom to develop an artistic talent or start a new business? Did they want the means to establish a legacy project like a charitable organization? When feeling directionless, people of any wealth level would be served by reflecting on what they value most and what they would do if they could follow their heart’s desire. This reflection on core values can remind one of a purpose they’d forgotten or give insight into a new direction that can provide long-term happiness.