With the growth of social media, we’re more connected to our friends, families, and even strangers than we’ve ever been before. We’re able to watch adventures and experiences from around the world as they’re happening. Current news reports unfold before our eyes. We can catch up with a friend from another country with the mere tap of a button.
But just because we’re that connected doesn’t mean it’s all good. If you take a look below the surface of social media, you’ll quickly realize just how much it’s ruining our lives in many unfortunate ways. The way people treat each other online, jealousy, comparison, and aggression are just a few of the ways social media has taken our lives and spun them into something much more sinister. You may love it or you may hate it, but find out how social media is ruining our lives here.

Addicted To Tech
As a society, we’re addicted to technology and it’s not getting any better. According to Counter-Currents, “about 73% of Americans report feeling a certain degree of information overload, yet we continue to interface with it on a variety of devices and media, both professional and social. It is estimated that the average millennial picks up the smartphone 150 times a day.” We don’t even stretch 150 times per day or meditate for 150 minutes per day. In turn, social media has created a cancel culture, FOMO (fear of missing out), and Phantom Vibration Syndrome, where we think our phone is vibrating when it’s not.

People have drawn a cyber safety net regarding what they’re posting on social media. In turn, social media has made most of us cowards. We’re unable to share our opinions. Instead of posting something controversial like a political opinion or other opinion, people share posts about children or how to make the best vegan banana bread. Our dopamine-fueled brains prefer the likes, happy comments, and shares that come with our happy-go-lucky posts to posts that mean something and share what we’re feeling deep down. The more blander our social media posts, the safer they are, which means we’ve turned into cowards. Why stick up for something and risk losing followers when we can safely relax in the knowledge our followers are here to stay with our soppy posts? (via Listverse).