Getting along with your coworkers makes work much more enjoyable. Suddenly, working at the office doesn’t feel like a chore, and having a stress-free workplace can even make your work more productive. Unfortunately, on the other hand, horrible bosses make the workplace a stressful and annoying place to be. These bosses may even create so much anxiety that going to work creates enough tension to make you quit.
We’ve collected some of the best stories online about horrible bosses that were called out online by their employees. Let’s just say that these bosses deserve to be fired. But these callouts prove there’s still justice in the world. These bosses didn’t show compassion for their employees who lost loved ones or were suffering from horrendous illnesses, set up hidden cameras to keep an eye on their employees, and had unreasonably high expectations for them. Let’s just say these horrible bosses deserved the bad karma they got from people on the internet.

Extra Set Of Eyes
Eight-year-olds have wild imaginations. When they tell a story, it’s common knowledge to take it with a grain of salt. We’re wondering why this boss brought her child to work. This person had to deal with one of those horrible bosses that not only brought their eight-year-old to work, but had the daughter report who wasn’t working.

Using an eight-year-old isn’t the most reliable way to snoop on your employees. The child then proceeded to lie to their mom about this employee, who only walked past their coworker’s desk to say hi. Based on their post, it seems like they’re going to quit soon (via Reddit).