Not everyone enjoys going to their work. It may not be because of the work itself, but because of those who work there. Toxic co-workers may have a few cubicles down from yours, or you’re always put on the same shift as them. Whatever the reason, toxic co-workers can make work far less than desirable. It’s even worse if the person is your manager or boss.
Some ways may help you to avoid these types of negative people in your workplace. If you find that you’re working with a toxic person, this article is for you. So continue reading to see what may be able to be done to help you out in this type of situation at work. No one wants to be more stressed out at work than they already are due to someone they could avoid. Check out these effective ways to avoid toxic people at work.

17. Distance Yourself
It may not be possible to put physical distance between a toxic co-worker and yourself if you share a workspace, but it’s worth a try. Watch out for any opportunities that may come up with open space and find a reason to work somewhere else in the building. Distancing yourself emotionally and mentally may work as well if physical distancing isn’t possible. Try wearing headphones at your desk if you’re allowed to, whether you play music through them or not. People usually tend not to talk to others when they know they aren’t listening to them.
Making yourself look unavailable and busy to others helps cut off the instant access that might have someone in your ear every chance they get otherwise. However, if breaks are the issue and you’re getting swarmed by the toxicity of said person in the break room, start taking your lunch break outside if possible. Maybe find a part or even go for a short walk outside somewhere to get away from the toxic person for a brief moment.