People usually go to a big box store for their everyday needs. Many don’t realize they can find the same items at their local dollar store. If you have a Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, or Dollar General nearby, you can save money each month at these stores. There are a plethora of items you should always get from a dollar store.
They’re the same quality brands you love for half the price. Sometimes you will get less. You might get a two-pack instead of a six-pack since the price is different. In the end, most of the items you purchase, you’ll only use once, so why spend more? Besides, the other things you buy will only be used a few times a year. If you want more ways to save money, check out this list of the top 40 things you should always buy at the dollar store.

40. Cheap (Yet Accurate) Pregnancy Tests
Did you know that in most areas, dollar stores stock the same type of pregnancy tests used at hospitals? The results are just as accurate as expensive pregnancy tests available at your local grocery store. They’re not only cheaper, but also work.
Regardless if you’re trying to start a family or aren’t, you can feel comfortable stocking up on these essential items for those who need them. You must follow the instructions carefully and confirm your pregnancy with an accurate blood test from your doctor.