No one likes getting rejected. It can leave pain that lingers for a long time – years, even. It also affects our desire to find love again in the future since getting rejected is a feeling we never want to experience again. While we probably believe we’ve suffered the most, there are some rejection stories out there that will turn your bad day around.
You may not feel as sorry for yourself once you realize it could be a lot worse. Maybe these stories will inspire you to get back out there and see who you can find in the dating pool. These stories involve a lot of embarrassing moments and mean comments that are certainly cringe-worthy, so buckle up and realize your day isn’t going that badly below.

Um, No
People are all about first impressions. When you look at someone and immediately find them attractive, that’s a good sign. But when you look at someone and think “nope” right off the get-go, that’s a good reason to leave. Unfortunately, some rejection stories involve people who never even had a chance past the first hello.

This Reddit user shared their experience trying to talk to a girl only to have her look him up and down and immediately reject him based on his looks. The poor guy never even got to show her how nice of a person he is. Sometimes, someone who isn’t that stunning by society’s standards at first glance is one of the nicest people in the world. She’s probably missing out on dating an incredibly nice dude (via Reddit).