Animals bring us immense joy and happiness. Whether they cuddle us or do adorable things, we can’t help but gawk and fawn over their cuteness and innocence. And when these animals go about their business and think no one is watching them, that’s usually when they do the funniest things.
So we’ve collected some of the best images online of animals that were caught being funny in real-life situations. Next time you’re at home, try to sneak up on your pet. You might catch them doing something completely and utterly absurd like these animals here Make sure you bring your camera, though. You never know what you’ll find!

70) Guilty Cat In The Blinds
Well, these blinds are trashed. This guilty cat was clearly up to no good. He was caught being funny right amid his sneaky escapade. We wonder where he was going. Maybe he was watching a bird through the window or was trying to reach food at a high level. Either way, his owners walked in at the perfect moment and found him right in the act. There’s no hiding from this one. He can’t even pretend he didn’t break the blinds, since he’s literally inside of them (via Life Buzz).