When we see photos of babies and animals together, our hearts melt. There have also been times when adult humans and animals coexisted. It usually involves an awkward experience, like a large dog twice someone’s size, sitting in their lap. We’ve heard of these experiences, but have you ever seen a photo where animals and humans coexisted in these strange real-life situations?
Several of these situations on this list involve dogs sleeping, studious cats, sheep, and kittens having meetings. Similar to people becoming famous for their rare appearances, you’ve probably never seen anything like these rare situations involving animals and humans before. But, trust us, they happened, so check them out here.

50. I See No Otter Way Out
This dog has the perfect camouflage going on. He’s disguised as an otter, amongst many other otters. At first glance, we couldn’t even pick him out from the crowd. He blends in. This is one of those strange real-life situations involving animals where all you can do is laugh (via Reddit).