College is an exciting time in a person’s life. It’s where you meet new people, learn about a wide variety of topics, and decide what field you want to work in. There are many colleges to choose from in the United States, some private and some public. College should be open to everyone. But it’s is a significant expense that many people cannot afford because of its cost.
Due to that, one of the main things people look for when searching for colleges is the cost. You have to pay for tuition. And if you live on campus, you have to pay for your dorm room. There are also fees for your meal plan as well as expenses for books and school supplies. Because of that, if you’re not exactly sure what you want to study yet, you may want to look into the most affordable colleges in your state. Residents of a state that attend a state school get better tuition rates.
We’ve therefore compiled a list of the most affordable colleges in each state. To learn more about which college in your state has the best prices, read on here.

Alabama — The University of Alabama
The most affordable college in the state of Alabama is the University of Alabama. This school is located in Tuscaloosa. Founded in 1820, this school is the oldest and largest public university in Alabama. You can study in one of thirteen different academic divisions to earn a Bachelor’s, Masters, Education Specialist, or Doctoral degree. The University of Alabama is also known for having Alabama’s only public law school.
The University of Alabama costs roughly $20,020 per year to attend the University of Alabama. Tuition is $10,470, or $5,235 per semester. Room and board, along with your dining plan, will set you back $9,550 each year.