Some things in day-to-day life have become so normalized that we don’t even think twice about them anymore. But if you take a moment to stop and think about the absurdity of some everyday things that just don’t make sense, your eyes begin to open up a bit. So these people on the internet called out the most ridiculous but still true scenarios on social media.
Take one look and you’ll notice just how bizarre they are. These so-called ‘normal’ everyday things include our strange holiday traditions, getting a university degree, or waking up to a blaring, horrible alarm sound. Find out why these things just shouldn’t be normal right here.

Skipping Questions
When we get into an argument with someone, we often try to take some space and come back to the argument at a later time. This is so we can take a breather and come back, usually calmer and more understanding. But there are other real-life scenarios where we take space and come back to something at a later time. This Twitter user pointed out an example of when we skip test questions and come back to them at a later time. For some reason, we think we’re going to know more 20 minutes later than we did when we first read the test question. Even though it’s one of the weirdest tactics we have during an exam, we’ve all done it before (via Twitter).