Life is an ongoing series of decisions that we need to make. Like the famous Robert Frost poem says- the road less traveled is often more difficult, but it has greater rewards. And yet, the road not taken will remain a mystery. The older you get, the more you will wonder what could have been or an alternate universe where you chose a different path. If you could go back in time, would you choose things differently?
No matter what age you are right now, it’s never too late to start a new chapter. These are some of the most essential life choices people need to make to succeed in life. We’re not here to tell you what’s right or wrong. Everyone has free will, and at the end of the day, it’s up to you.

35. Paying Yourself First
One of the most common financial advice pieces also happens to be one of the simplest and easiest to implement in your own life: pay yourself first. What this principle boils down to is always setting aside money for your own goals, whether it’s a savings account, investment opportunity, or a treat you’ve been saving up for before you pay your bills and start spending on non-essential items for the pay period. It ensures that little expenses like a coffee with a friend or a book you’ve had your eye on don’t chip away at the amount you ideally want to save.

A simple way to enact the idea of paying yourself first is transferring a set amount of money into your savings or investment account automatically when you get paid. You may even be able to have your employer send a portion of your paycheck directly into a savings account instead of your checking account. If you don’t currently have a bank account, a firebox could be used to keep an allotted amount of cash saved away as soon as you cash your check for opening an account or a cash purchase like a used car. Whether it’s $10 or $1,000, always pay yourself first.