There are few things more terrifying than the wrath of the dreaded ‘Karens’. We can spot them a mile away with their dubious haircuts, oversized sunglasses, and the massive chips on their shoulders. However, it’s never easy for the poor service workers who struggle to deal with their impossible, unreasonable demands.
So today we’ll look at some of the most outrageous ‘Karen’ situations on the Internet. These real people shared their shocking stories of encounters with wild Karens in the open. We should include a trigger warning because there are some traumatic details in these tales. Be forewarned as you read on to
Peach Tree Poison
One Redditor explained how a particular part of Georgia is a ‘Karen’ hotbed. The Internet user was at a golf club with friends when they had a brush with one of these psychotic wild creatures. Luckily, they defused the situation because a person of authority showed up and helped them.

This story proves that Karens are bullies who try to take advantage of vulnerable people. They’re also shameless social climbers who will grovel to authority if they think it helps them. We shudder to think what would have happened to them if the lawyer didn’t appear.