Recently, there’s been a massive reckoning happening in the workforce that has resulted in employees telling off their bosses in record numbers. And experts are struggling to understand why. But if you simply read the personal stories of workers who are quitting, you’ll quickly learn a lot about the ‘Great Resignation’ that’s going on.
In fact, you may even be left wondering why it didn’t happen sooner. Perhaps you have your own horror story of toxic bosses or horrible work conditions. If so, you can relate to these examples of times workers finally said goodbye to their toxic bosses, low pay, and just plain bad jobs. Read on below and see if you can identify with today’s current workplace trends.

25. No Respect For Personal Space
Some bosses think that while you’re on the clock, they own you and can behave however they want because you’re getting paid. Daneen Emele shared why she quit her job: “My last supervisor followed me to the bathroom and said, ‘I’ll wait’ while I went inside. He also gave my coworker the silent treatment for almost two weeks because she asked for a copy of her timesheet. It was beyond toxic.”
Teresa Vargas shared her own horror story on Facebook. “I was working as a server at a retirement center, and my boss noted that I wasn’t my usual ‘cheerful’ self. I informed her I had just received a message that my dog had unexpectedly broken his back and had to be put down earlier during my shift. She proceeded to write me up for not smiling enough for our guests. Yup. Quit that crap real quick.”