We all have bad days. It’s simply part of being human. But sometimes, these bad days are so horrendous, that we simply can’t understand why they would happen to us.
Yet even though there’s always someone having a better day than you, just remember, there’s also someone having a worse day than you. In fact, it’s often way worse. So we curated a list of people who had comically horrendous days. Hopefully, you can read these and they’ll make your day seem a little bit brighter.

Bad Car Day
You might be having a bad day, but well, at least you didn’t drive your car half off a ledge. It’s understandable if there’s black ice, but that doesn’t make it any better. Not only are these people now lacking a car, but they have to call a tow truck. There’s nothing worse than getting in your car to drive home, only to have it get completely stuck. Let’s hope their heater worked properly while they waited for the tow (via Reddit).