Many fans may think celebrities are perfect human beings but the reality is quite different. They have the same flaws that everybody else has except they’ve money for plastic surgery and beauty teams. Sometimes we realize that they’re not perfect when we see pictures of them in not-so-glamorous situations.
Today we’ll look at some of the world’s most famous celebs in compromised moments. They didn’t expect cameras to be in their faces during these not-so-glamorous moments. Maybe they drank too much alcohol or had a fashion nightmare. Check them out below.
Nick Cage
These days Cage is a cult icon in Hollywood due to an endless stream of crazy movies. He constantly pours his full emotions into his garbage films but that’s why fans love him. However, Cage has also made several questionable decisions that left him bankrupt several times. He once spent $150 million on a dinosaur skull and also bought a castle.

The picture above shows an intoxicated Cage flying coach class. A delighted fan snapped a selfie with the inebriated actor in a not-so-glamorous situation. However, she received plenty of hate online because other Cage supporters didn’t think she should have shared this photo (via Imgur).