There is no clear definition of what the middle class is. Often, just about everyone sees themselves as middle class, no matter how much they earn. Middle class is really a mindset. Furthermore, that mindset has to change for you to leave the middle class for the upper class.
Are you ready to shake that middle-class attitude? That way, you can start thinking about building wealth and becoming wealthy? Then read on to learn more about moving on up. Here are 30 ways to avoid getting stuck in the middle class.

30. The Middle Class Is Shrinking
When politicians say the economy is improving, they usually refer to markers such as the stock market (via Business Insider). This tends to benefit the wealthy more than the middle class and actual job creation, even when those jobs are low-income jobs. Where do these markers leave the middle class? What does it mean for those who have achieved the dream of homeownership but may not have enough in savings for a financial hardship? No matter how well politicians say the economy is doing, the middle class always seems to be shrinking (via Business Insider).