There are 3,111 billionaires in the world with more money than they know what to do with. Yet to their credit, many of these people want to do something positive with their incredible resources. That’s why some of them pour their dollars into projects to help the planet. But many of these billionaires tried and failed to save the world.
Some of them did their best but didn’t realize how difficult it is to challenge governments and conventional attitudes. Others had messiah complexes and thought that they were smarter than everybody else. It’s not a surprise that their ideas collapsed and burned because they were stupid in the first place. Check out how these billionaires tried and failed to save the world right here.
Mike Bloomberg
Bloomberg is one of the most notorious billionaires in New York. He has a bit of a messiah complex and seems to believe that he’s all-powerful. However, the population of the U.S. didn’t agree with him because they didn’t vote for him to become the nation’s president (via The Wall Street Journal).
The billionaire thought he could save the world by running against Donald Trump in the 2020 election. But his late campaign crashed and burned as he failed to capture the imagination. Bloomberg also has environmental concerns and gave away $11 billion. Many people loathe him but at least he’s trying to do something positive for the world.