As fans, we often hold celebrities to higher standards than most people but it’s important to remember that they’re flawed humans too. Many of them date one another and break up. For many of them, it’s because they’re moving in different directions and can’t make time for each other. But some of these A-list celebs hate their exes and air their dirty laundry in public.
Everybody loves a juicy scandal so it’s very entertaining when this happens. Today we’ll look at some of the most dramatic examples from Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’s break-up to Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s trial. Check them out right here.

Russell Brand and Katy Perry
Nobody wants to be Brand’s ex now after the dark and disturbing allegations that emerged in 2023. However, Perry found herself in that situation. Brand texted her that he wanted a divorce in 2013 and that ended their relationship. But the pop star had found her former spouse unsettling for a while.

She reportedly nicknamed him Rasputin after the notorious Russian monk (via Meanwhile, she aired their dirty laundry in a Vogue interview as she accused him of being controlling and emotionally abusive. Perry also said that she had some dark secrets for a ‘rainy day.’