Celebrities have the luxury of hiring personal assistants who are available for their every beck and call. Even though we might not have a full-on staff every waking moment, we can at least feel grateful we don’t have people watching our every move.
What you see on the big screen isn’t what it’s like behind closed doors. These celebrities have big secrets that their assistants spilled in the stories below. You might never look at these big stars the same way ever again.

Christina Aguilera’s Staff Cleaned Up Her Messes
Even though the biggest stars live undeniably thrilling lives, they’re not the ones doing all the post-party dirty work. That load goes to their staff, Christina Aguilera’s included. After the “Dirrty” star would leave her risqué clothing all over the floor, her staff had to pick up after her. One staff member admitted they cleaned up her “maid’s dresses, nurse’s uniforms, and other risqué clothing off the floor!”
This included lingerie, so we can only imagine what sort of parties the star was throwing. Reportedly she requires a bottle of Dom Perignon on ice at all times, though we’re not sure if that bottle will end up on the floor like all of her clothes seem to (via Radar Online).