Millennials are the oft-discussed group of people who came of age at about the turn of the millennium. They were born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s. About a decade ago, they started entering the workforce. Employers were not ready for them. By all accounts, they seemed like a generation of coddled infants.
Nevertheless, a lot of the challenges facing employers and millennial workers are due to a lack of understanding about them. First off, many people hate their jobs, and employers don’t really take that problem seriously. However, with millennials came not only high levels of job dissatisfaction but unprecedented turnover. Most millennials hold a job for less than two years, meaning that there’s much less stability in companies now than before.
Understanding millennials can help uncover the roots of worker dissatisfaction and ultimately turn the tide against employee turnover. They’ve already survived one of the worst economic recessions in history. Read on to learn 40 reasons millennials have changed the way the modern workplace functions.

40. Many Workers Don’t Like Their Jobs
Have you ever been in a job that you don’t like? Maybe you currently are. If so, you’re not alone. Many people do not like their jobs. They have plenty of reasons to be dissatisfied with their jobs. And employers have plenty of reasons to be concerned.
When workers are happy and feel satisfied, they’re much more productive. They also contribute more to the company’s bottom line. When workers become dissatisfied, they stop making as much of an effort. They can even begin to hurt company profits. Many workers fall into the latter category.