Home Business Tortured People Share Their Most Disgusting Stories About Spiders

Tortured People Share Their Most Disgusting Stories About Spiders

Monica March 28, 2023

People are either deathly afraid of spiders, or they couldn’t care less about them. It just depends on the person. But sometimes, we have an encounter with a spider that shakes us to our cores and makes us want to disappear. There’s no saying what these evil creatures can do, so it’s always a good idea to stay as far away as possible, especially when some can kill you with one bite.

Even though the planet needs spiders, we don’t need to interact with them. Spiders are great at catching and eating disease-carrying insects, and pests that destroy plants. We’re better off with spiders than without, even though you may find it very hard to believe once you read these stories.


Godless Killing Machines

This user on Reddit had a frightening encounter with a Funnel Web spider. About 15% of their bites are poisonous. Their venom is highly toxic, and those who are bitten may experience difficulty breathing, nausea, swelling, and irritation. When the poster tried to get rid of the spider, it reared its head back and pointed her fangs at him. Out of fear, they slammed the door over her body. But instead of killing her, they released thousands of baby Funnel Webs from her back. What would you do in that situation? We’d burn our house to the ground. Luckily, the OP was smarter than that and used an entire can of Raid to kill them off (via lesmalan).

The Techno Drom

Clock Spiders Do Exist

The faces of clocks are airtight, and usually, nothing gets inside. Sometimes, though, the seals may not be tight enough and tiny creatures like spiders can crawl their way inside. In this photograph, a spider wanted to know what time it was a bit too much. The hands of the clock had been glued down by a spiderweb. But where is the spider? The web was strong enough to stop time. It looks like spiders have a superpower we don’t know about (via thetechnodrom).


The Queen Boss

Red back spiders are everywhere around this poster’s house. After getting bitten, they went straight to the hospital and were advised to have antivenom on hand. If you get bitten by one of these bad boys, you may suffer pain, swelling, irritation, and muscle spasms. A few hours later, as they grabbed their toothbrush to brush their teeth, another red back landed on their hand and immediately bites “without a courtesy period.” This hilarious Reddit user goes on to explain that Queen Boss’s bite hurt more than the last, so they went on a rampage killing all the spiders and booby-trapping their home. Unfortunately, they lacked the funds to build a flamethrower for extra protection (via Reddit).


Bump In The Night

No one wants to be woken up by a frightening sound in the middle of the night, let alone a frightening sensation. This Reddit user woke up in the middle of the night because they felt a tickle on their cheek. It turned out it wasn’t because a feather fell into their mouth, it was because a house spider had crawled straight into their mouth. After an hour of coughing, they threw up. That spider’s fate was determined the moment they crawled into their mouth. Wrong move, spider (via NullPointerInception).

The Techno Drom

Terrifying Toothbrush

It’s important to brush your teeth every night. If you don’t, your teeth will decay and you’ll likely get cavities. Oral hygiene is just as important as physical hygiene. When the OP picked up their toothbrush to clean their teeth, they had a bad wake-up call. An insect was living in their toothbrush bristles. That’s one way to never want to brush your teeth again. Maybe this person switched to only flossing and using mouthwash (via thetechnodrom).


Keep Your Limbs On The Bed

Most of us hate sleeping with our feet hanging off the bed for a reason. You never know what’s lurking underneath your bed, or what will grab your foot in the middle of the night. While most of us fear ghosts and goblins, we never think a spider would be our worst limb enemy. This OP made the grave mistake of sleeping with their hand between the bed and the wall. When they woke up in the middle of the night, they had twelve spider bite marks on their wrist and a bloody and swollen hand. They never slept with their hands off the bed again (via acidnom).


Crying The Whole Night

When you’re volunteering somewhere, you have to be grounded, strong, and respectful. Usually, you’re volunteering to help someone in need, teach, or build something. When this OP was volunteering after Hurricane Katrina, they encountered a serious bug problem. It doesn’t seem as bad as Hurricane Katrina, so they kept their complaints to a minimum. But one night, their friend noticed something strange. On the wall were eight huge spiders, clearly there for shelter. They wanted to help, too. Instead of inviting them in, the OP and her friend pushed their beds together and spent the rest of the night crying (via oliakm1).

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The Cherry On Top

When we want to add a little extra flavor to something, we refer to it as the cherry on top. This spider wanted to be the cherry on top of this snow globe. Snow globes usually have cute, wintery scenes, and when you shake them, the snowflakes dance around the globe. It’s usually a beautiful experience that symbolizes the holidays. But when there’s a huge spider on it, the experience changes quite a bit. The spider found a liking to the cozy gingerbread house and wanted to spend his holidays somewhere comfortable. He managed to sneak his way inside the snow globe and wanted to give its shakers a little holiday surprise (via thetechnodrom).


The Furry Brown Spider Beast

When we’re home alone, we mostly fear intruders and strangers knocking at our door. Spiders are the last thing on our minds. But this Reddit user had a spider wake-up call. When they were home alone and working on their laptop, a spider crawled out onto the wall and stared straight at them. They had no protection except for the thin screen of their computer. Still, in their towel, they ran out of the house and straight to her boyfriend’s house to call her mom. The mom, who claimed not to be afraid of spiders, also had a wake-up call. When she saw the spider, she also screamed and tried to kill it, eventually smashing it with a remote. The remote suffered the brunt of the attack and was covered in spider guts (via Reddit)

The Techno Drom

Is It A Branch Or A Spider?

Animals and insects are masters at camouflage. They have to be, otherwise, they would easily become prey to a larger animal. This eight-legged arachnid was the master of camouflage when it blended into the other branches. It might take you a few minutes to spot it, but when you do, you can’t unsee it. Kudos to this spider because it did a fantastic job at covering up your tracks (via thetechnodrom)

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The Nasty Surprise

The car visors are there for a reason. It’s there to protect our eyes from the sun, so we can be better drivers and car passengers. But when this person pulled down their visor, their life changed. Underneath the visor was a huge spider. If the person was scared of spiders and swerved, they could have easily caused an accident. Luckily, they were able to pull themselves to safety and prevented a huge accident from happening. Little does that spider know how badly they could have affected their lives (via thetechnodrom).

The Techno Drom

This Is Not A Toy

When you first look at this picture, you probably think it’s a fake Halloween decoration. But upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that this spider is, in fact, real. It’s not a joke. We repeat it’s not a joke. The spider is so large that people thought it was a prank, and rightfully so. At least this spider is on the outside of their house and not the inside, otherwise, there would be a serious issue (via thetechnodrom).


The Largest Spider In The World

When we’re on the job, we don’t want any distractions. We want to do our job as best we can, so we can go home as early as possible. This OP was in the middle of their job, where they had to climb into a five-foot-deep shipping crate to lift an item out. Once they got into the crate, they were faced with a ginormous spider several inches from their face. It was fuzzy, big, and brown, and caused them to jump so high into the air that they managed to jump straight out of the box. But that wasn’t the end of it. Instead of letting the spider be, they grabbed a huge 2×4 and smashed the spider with the end of the mallet. That showed him (via Reddit).

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Halloween Decoration

Fake spiderwebs are fantastic Halloween decorations. But only when they’re fake. If they’re real, like in this photograph, it’s an entirely different story. This photograph is of a real web with actual critters on it, though we’re not sure if it’s food or its offspring. Even though it looks pretty cool, it’s something we’d want to stay far away from, and potentially destroy immediately (via thetechnodrom).


Stop! You’re Surrounded By Spiders

When you go camping, it’s expected that you’ll encounter insects. You’re living in the great outdoors, after all. When this person was walking to go to the bathroom during a camping trip they shone their flashlight at the trees, only to find huge spiders dangling from the branches above their head. Instead of using the bathroom, they held their pee in. In the morning, they tried to use the bathroom again when they spotted more eight-legged abominations behind the toilet and on the ceiling. They only went to the bathroom in the bushes from then on (via Reddit).

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Spiders Love Fruit

If you love grapes, berries, or any other fruit inside containers, be wary next time you open it. Spiders love setting up shop inside these plastic homes. As you can see here, a spider is peeking through a bunch of grapes. It might think it can hide, but we know better. If you buy fresh or organic products, you’ll likely encounter these spiders more often than not. It’s the price you pay for healthier produce (via thetechnodrom)

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Out With The Food, In With The Spiders

This spider wants to become a microwaved meal. The OP posted a photo of a giant spider in their microwave. Even though humans share the planet with thousands of species of spiders and other insects, it doesn’t mean we want to interact with them. Most of us who’d run into a spider this big would toss our microwave out the nearest window, never to be seen again. It’s tainted forever. Who would want to heat their food again using a microwave previously occupied by this giant creature (via thetechnodrom)?


A Friendly Surprise

Our siblings and friends love surprising us, especially when we least expect it. Usually, we can laugh it off, even when these surprises scare us. But when the OP was putting on their towel, they got a nasty surprise from a spider. When they looked down, they noticed a spider crawling up the towel and toward them. At least it was only a house spider and wasn’t a big, poisonous one as we’ve seen on this list. They do a great job at keeping the hobo spiders out of the house (via Reddit).

The Techno Drom

Already Occupied, Sir

No one loves public restrooms. They’re dirty and smell pretty bad, and who knows how many germs lurk around those handles and levers. But we usually get over it, and just make sure we wash our hands for several minutes afterward. You always have to make sure to check the bathroom stall first, otherwise, you might walk in on someone. Or something. In this case, the OP walked in on an eight-legged creature occupying the toilet. That’s enough to make them never use a public restroom again (via thetechnodrom).


The Poisonous Spider Pet

When we’re kids, we don’t know any better. When this OP was seven years old, he saw a huge black spider with a red dot on its butt. Usually, that’s a sign from nature that something is poisonous. When this kid couldn’t find a jar to capture it and keep it as a pet, they left it alone. When they went to school the next day to research the spider, they found out it was one of the deadliest spiders in the world. It’s a good thing their parents didn’t have a glass jar (via phyx726).

The Techno Drom

The World Wide Spider Web

We use an ethernet socket to connect to the internet or the World Wide Web. Usually, the web is a string of networks stretching across numbers and symbols that take us to websites worldwide. This spider took it literally and believed it meant web, as in, spider web. They probably wondered why their websites were moving a bit slowly. This spider was hogging the network (via thetechnodrom).

The Techno Drom

The Secret Ingredient

Tiny insects in our fruit are common, especially if we buy organic products. But finding a black widow is pretty rare. Sometimes, spiders hide in the folds of plastic containers. But the bug seen in this photograph eerily resembles one of the deadliest arachnids in the world. They have black bodies and a red spot under the stomach, as we see here. In young children and older adults, the bite of a black widow may be fatal (via thetechnodrom).


The Uninvited Guest

Sharing the bed is quite intimate, and no one wants to share their bed with an uninvited guest. When the OP woke up one morning, they discovered spiders under their blanket and a giant huntsman above their head. Many of us don’t mind spiders when they’re far away from us, but when they’re sharing our bed, that’s when it becomes a huge no-no (via Reddit).

The Techno Drom

The Towering Tarantula

Spiders love to hide out in cars. For some reason, they find comfort in the soft cushions and tiny crawl spaces. If you find a small spider in your car, it’s not a big deal. But when you find a giant spider in your car, it becomes a huge problem and something you don’t want lurking anywhere near you. What would you do if you found a spider this size, hanging above your friend’s head? We’d suggest they quietly pull over and only tell them once the car’s ignition is turned off and there’s no chance of them stepping on the gas out of fear (via thetechnodrom).

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The Master Of Disguise

Species develop impressive camouflaging capabilities to ensure the continuation of their survival. Some animals change color, others change shape, and others blend completely into their environment. This spider managed to blend in to look like the spikes of a cactus. That just gives cacti another reason not to grab their spikes (via thetechnodrom).

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An Added Touch Of Sweetness

We love a little bit of extra sweetness, especially when it’s in our dessert. But when that extra tad of sweetness was uncalled for, we certainly do not want it. Even though bananas are extremely nutritious and delicious, the OP had an extra dose of protein. It’s true what they say, that if humans ate more bugs, we’d get more protein in our diet, although this probably isn’t what most of us want to see or hear (via thetechnodrom).

The Techno Drom

An Adorable Surprise

This one is not as terrifying as it is adorable. Just look at that cute little face smiling up at us! This person wasn’t terrified of spiders, they felt lucky to have seen such a cute little face looking up at them. If only everyone could think of spiders this way. Those big, brown eyes make the spider look like a cute cartoon. At least the bright orange butt is a great indicator that it’s highly poisonous and to stay far, far away from it (via thetechnodrom).

The Techno Drom

It Has To Be Fake

City spiders tend to be a lot smaller than rural spiders. At least, that’s what we’d like to believe. So how could this photo be completely genuine? This spider is bigger than a human head, and if it is real, that means ginormous spiders are running around that could swallow our heads whole. That’s too much for most of us to handle. This spider is bigger than a baby, so let’s hope no smaller children or animals are running around, because who knows what would happen (via thetechnodrom).

The Techno Drom

Can You Hear Me?

We’ve heard horror stories about a bug crawling into someone’s ear. As long as the bug doesn’t lay eggs or scratch the sides of your skin, there’s usually nothing harmful that will come of it. At the very least, the bug will never be able to crawl into your brain. But that doesn’t mean we want it to happen, or that it’s okay when it does happen. It takes a lot of patience to wait until you can get to the emergency room and have a doctor properly remove the spider, like what happened in this photo (via thetechnodrom).


Thousands Of Twinkling Spider Eyes

When we’re in the jungle, there’s no saying what we’ll encounter. When the OP was in the Guatemalan jungle, they discovered thousands of twinkling orange and green balls of light all over the yard. But it wasn’t until they walked into the shed, where the bathroom was, that they discovered a huge spider staring back at them the size of their hand. They ended up peeing in a bush instead of facing the spider. Normally, they’re not afraid of spiders, but you never know what sort of spider you’re facing in the jungles of Central America (via pretenderrender).

The Techno Drom

That Wasn’t Just A Tea Bag

Imagine pulling out your favorite teabag, only to notice something strange. Suddenly, you see an eight-legged creature next to your tea bag. That’s not supposed to be there. That’s one way to ruin a relaxing moment leading up to your evening cup of brew. At the very least, this person probably feels grateful they didn’t accidentally drink the bug or brew it with their tea (via thetechnodrom).


The Nest Of Spiders

It’s always a good idea to check your shoes before putting them on, especially if you live outdoors or in rural areas. You never know what can crawl into your shoe in the middle of the night and set up shop. It’s the same for gloves. This OP found a huge spider’s nest inside of their gloves. At least it was only a daddy long legs and not a large, poisonous spider that could cause a lot of pain (via thetechnodrom).


The Towel Nest

We like feeling clean after we shower. When we wrap ourselves up in a towel, the last thing we’d expect to find is a spider. But that’s exactly what happened to this Reddit user. After they showered, a spider crawled up their body and onto their neck and chest. It’s time to grab the flamethrower and jump straight back into the shower (via checkmymachine).

The Techno Dorm

Cheers, Mate

If you have a China cabinet, chances are, there are tons of glassware in there that you don’t keep track of. This person has a vast collection of glassware they likely forgot about and hadn’t touched in a long time. When they suddenly remembered they had China, they went to grab it, only to find a spider had built its home inside. Can we blame them, though? There’s nothing wrong with relaxing and chugging a beer after a long day at work (via thetechnodrom).


We Laugh, We Cry, We Toss Spiders Out of The Windows

Discovering a spider in your car while you’re driving is not only terrifying, but it’s dangerous. Without thinking, we usually react to seeing the spider and end up swerving the car off the road if we’re not careful. When the OP was on their way to work, they discovered a spider crawling across the top of their car. They didn’t manage to capture it, and it disappeared. A few days later it came back. While driving, they managed to capture the spider and toss it out of the car with a tissue. They didn’t even care that they littered, they just hope the car behind them ran it over. At least it wasn’t in their car anymore (via Fahdookah).

The Techno Drom

Where Did You Even Come From?

Bugs crawl into the strangest places. They somehow make their way inside the tiniest crawl spaces and slither their way through cracks and crevices. Spiders seem to be the sneakiest of them all. This one managed to crawl into the AC’s number display and claimed it as his home. Perhaps it was warm, or he wanted to change his view. We all like a little change of scenery here and there (via thetechnodrom).
