Job security is rare in the acting world but some stars do manage to land dream roles. However, these stars eventually want to move on to greener pastures. Sometimes, they willingly abandon multimillion-dollar paydays to do it. All the money in the world won’t tempt them to keep playing the same character.
Some of them believed that they were ready to step up to bigger and better things in Hollywood. Others wanted a break after years of playing the same role that kept them away from their families. Moreover, there are also occasional creative differences that cause stars to walk away from guaranteed lucrative paychecks. Let’s look at the actors who quit high-paying jobs for a variety of reasons right here.
Steve Carell – The Office
Carell was making seven million dollars per year during The Office’s peak years. But finally, after seven seasons of comic glory, he walked away from the show. Carell said (via Screenrant): “It was time for other characters to step to the forefront and other storylines to be pursued. I think it was the right… the timing was right.”

Everyone knows that the part about other characters was garbage because the show fell apart soon after. Carell pursued big movie roles and million-dollar paydays with great success. He appeared in films like The Big Short and Battle of the Sexes as he became a true bonafide movie star.