The harsh truth is that there are many myths out there that people believe despite them being false. Somehow, these false stories embed themselves in our brains when reality is the opposite. Many of these myths have been debunked but people still adamantly defend them as facts.
Today we’ll look at the most outlandish falsehoods that some out there still believe. It’s wild that some folks continue to believe these are true despite science showing them otherwise. Check out these debunked myths right here and prepare to be entertained; perhaps even shocked.
Piranhas Eat People
This may come as a surprise to some but the reality is that piranhas don’t eat people. We’ve all seen movies where a school of piranhas demolishes a human in seconds. However, the reality is that these sharp-toothed fish prefer eating fruit and don’t thirst for human flesh (via OC Pier).

They may bite people who bother them but there are many cases of swimmers passing piranhas without problems. This debunked myth is cut and dry because there are no documented cases of piranhas eating a person. We still don’t recommend swimming in the Amazon but it’s safer than most of us think.