Have you ever looked at a rich person and wondered, “What are they doing that I’m not?” Or, rather, what are you doing that’s keeping you poor? This article isn’t meant to bash people or make them feel bad about themselves.
It’s merely a compilation of advice taken from wealthy people on the “poor habits” they never incorporate into their lives. Check out these 40 differences between rich people and poor people in terms of daily lifestyles.

40. Not Reading Enough
Many people see reading as something that they had to do to get through school, not as a lifelong habit that can help them succeed in life. An overwhelming majority of people never read a book after they graduate, and their finances suffer from it. No, reading articles on the internet (even this one) does not count. Reading books regularly is one of the best things you can do to stimulate your mind and put you on the path toward success. Some poor people may argue that one month of a subscription to Netflix is cheaper than buying a book, and yes, that is correct. However, a library card is completely free.

Warren Buffett, the billionaire behind Berkshire Hathaway, thinks that everyone should read 500 pages a day. While that amount is probably excessive for even the most devoted graduate student, he is making a point about the importance of reading for any success. While fiction books can be a more meaningful form of entertainment than binging on Netflix, nonfiction books are what will set you up for success. Start by looking for self-help books to help you get out of vicious cycles that keep you trapped in poverty. Your library has quite a few that you can check out for free.