We all have relationship anxiety at one point or another. It can stem from abandonment issues, rejection, or the worst of all – being cheated on. Sometimes, these fears may come true and we have an inkling that our partner is cheating. But what happens when a significant other accuses you of cheating when you haven’t even glanced at another person? Redditors shared their experiences with their partners wrongly accusing them of cheating.
These stories range anywhere from strange to outlandish, like even counting the mileage on their partner’s cars to see if it added up. After reading these stories, you may just appreciate your partner a little bit more and may learn a thing or two that will save you from future heartache. Or you might recognize it as a sign to get out of your current partnership. Read on for some entertaining stories of people being wrongly accused of cheating.

30) Cheating In A Dream
We’ve all had dreams about our significant others cheating on us or meeting another person. Sometimes it seems we can’t escape our anxiety even in our sleep. According to this Reddit user, his partner accused him of cheating because she dreamt about it.
“She had a dream,” said sudorootadmin.
Most of us probably didn’t use our dreams as singular proof that our significant other was cheating, and instead, probably laughed it off as a nightmare. Even though dreams could technically symbolize our intuition, most of the time, it’s just our fears coming to light.