One of the most important aspects of running a business is figuring out how to get your customers and clients coming back for more. Without customers, you can’t get money flowing to your business, so they truly should be one of your #1 priorities. Here are 30 tips about how to attract new customers, and keep them coming back for more.

30. Provide Excellent Customer Service
If you want people to be loyal to your business, you need to give them great customer service…Duh, right? When you first start your business, you might be a sole proprietor who cannot afford to hire anyone to help you run the cash register. So the responsibility of dealing with customers may fall directly on you, at least in the very beginning. It’s surprising just so many sole proprietors will ignore a customer or keep them waiting far too long, because they are busy doing something else. Even worse, they will sometimes be rude to someone who may have spent their money at their business. Just remember to keep a smile on your face, or hire someone who can.