Have you ever fallen in love with a celebrity on screen only to find out they’re a horrible person when news of a scandal breaks? You’re not alone; far from it, in fact. Unfortunately, it happens all too often in Hollywood. Hollywood stars can turn into some of the biggest jerks in the world.
All that fame and fortune eventually get to their heads, turning them into vicious people who are disliked by the fans who propelled them to fame in the first place. From treating their staff members with disrespect to being brutal nightmares on set, here are the biggest jerks in Hollywood. Even if you’re a longtime fan, you may want to steer clear.

Katherine Heigl
Not only did Heigl rapidly make her way to fame but she’s also her own worst enemy because she ruined her reputation and halted her own meteoric rise. She speaks harshly to other celebrities and makes nasty remarks about other stars. She also refused a nomination for an Emmy because she felt Grey’s Anatomy didn’t deserve the recognition. Other celebrities also dislike working with her, saying she acted like a drama queen and had “Wardrobe issues, not getting out of the trailer, questioning the script every single day” (via The Richest).