The Internet is a crazy place with a lot of toxic people spouting off nonsense much of the time. One problem is that everybody thinks that they have a platform to give their opinions. This means there is a lot of garbage on social media as well as ridiculous arguments. However, sometimes they produce online comebacks that are too savage to put into words.
Today we’ll look at some of the best online comebacks ever as people roasted idiots online. These comments and reactions are hilarious because they destroyed the original post or tweet’s author. Read on to check out these brutal online comebacks here.
Cute Dress
Sometimes people say idiotic things because they think they’re being intelligent or profound. This woman wrote on Reddit, “Male privilege is wearing the same outfit multiple times to events while girls can’t wear the same dress twice, no matter how cute it is.” Needless to say, this led to one of the most brutal online comebacks ever.

One man replied: “There isn’t a single straight man on earth that cares if you wear the same cute dress twice. The negative comments will come from other women.” This is very true because women place a lot of pressure on each other while men don’t notice what they’re wearing at all.