There are many ways in which people strive to generate income. There are some people who feel that going into business will give them the required income. Others go the usual way by getting a job in one of the many industries that are available. There are some jobs which demand that you should possess a specific qualification before being employed. There is still some hope for those who lack proper qualifications because some companies offer you in-house training programs.
The training programs are work-based learning programs that are directly related to your field of work. Skills development is now being considered as a significant component in ensuring the performance of workers. It provides companies with opportunities to empower the company with relevant skills base over a long term. The distinctive advantage is that they are work-based and are delivered specifically within the context of the organization.
The companies that are effective, the emphasis is mostly put on the drivers more than outcomes. Outcomes take years to be achieved and can’t be a proper way of determining the effectiveness of performance. The drivers such as employees contribution based on the value they are bringing to the company are now being recognized.
To be effective, incentive schemes are now multifaceted. Both outcomes and drivers are playing a role in the design of the schemes. Setting remuneration levels are never going to be an easy exercise. It doesn’t even work when it’s matched between actions and results. Here are the 15 jobs from various industries that pay well.
15. Radiation Therapist
The health industry is one of the most stable industries. If you are looking for a long-term career, it is worth to join this sector. The jobs can be well-paying for those who have the passion for caring others. One of the careers worth pursuing is the radiation therapist.
The therapists operate medical machines that help the oncology staff diagnose and treat cancer. The machines use radiation technology. It involves working in the hospitals or cancer treatment centers. The duty requires working within the normal working hour. This is different with the other health cares who have to work at various working hours.
The professionals working in this field do not need to complete a four-year degree. They go through a two-year education program in the radiation therapy or radiography. The courses include physics, algebra, writing, public speaking, computer science, and method human anatomy and physiology. The courses are designed in such a way that you should have all-around skills that will be required in your occupation.
The institution offering these training programs are accredited by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. This means that your qualification will be recognized by all the health institutions. After finishing the course, you can choose to work in the public or private health sector
Although the professionals don’t go through a rigorous college education, they receive good enumerations. The normal pay starts from $77,000 but most of them receive about $104,000. There are some in this industry who are getting as much as $116,000 a year.