A lot of these are good old classic tried and true ways to be more productive. That doesn’t make them any less valuable because they aren’t the latest, freshest fad in productivity hacking. It actually means they are Golden. Productivity as defined for the purposes of this article is getting to your goal faster without sacrificing quality. Another way to look at it would be shipping more of what ever it is you or your business produces in a shorter amount of time.
In some cases, people applying these principles have reported results that are far more inspiring than merely tightening up the bolts, saving a little lost production here and there at the margins, or plugging a couple time leaks. Instead, making some small changes to your inputs, what you’re doing and how you’re doing it, can very possibly have a dramatic, seemingly out-sized impact on your outputs.
At a bare minimum, the productivity hacks on this list are just very sensible and obviously good advice: Things you should be doing if you’re not. At most they might free up a lot of your time throughout the day, time that you can devote to something that isn’t getting done, but really needs to be taken care of, or time that can be spent planning, strategizing, and thinking ahead in big picture terms.
It’s during those all too rare, quiet moments of reflection with the big picture in mind that millionaires are able to wrestle absolutely game changing insights out of the void and increase their entire field of work’s productivity in ways that massively overshadow the gains that are initially made by implementing the productivity methods on this list. That’s where all the big money value lives.
Try implementing just three of these and you’ll be amazed how possible it suddenly seems for you to create a net worth for yourself in excess of a million dollars. If you want to go full hero mode over night, implement all ten…